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WHO removes honey bees for free

If you are wondering WHO removes honey bees for free, well, I’m gonna tell you, but first,


Looking for professional help to safely remove your bees see our service area.

WHO removes honey bees for free
Super huge colony, way up there.

Used to be, in the past you could find a hobby beekeeper that would remove bees for free to add to their apiary, But, with the onset of AHB, free bee removers are hard to find, unless you are up north.

Southern States are a different story, the South is where the big, mean bees are. By big I mean 100,000 plus, pissed off flying stinging insects.

WHO removes honey bees for free
WHO removes honey bees for free

Hobby beekeepers that you find at the local feed store or beekeeping association can cause unnecessary damage to your home, as well as injuring passer-bys.

Especially in the South where the afore mentioned AHB’s reside. There are plenty of news articles of bees attacking whole neighborhoods due to the inexperienced hobbyist.

Bee removal is arduous and dangerous, expect to pay a fee for the work done. Or, take your chances with a hobby beekeeper.