Pollinator news

Beekeeper Finder

Welcome to Bee For Life Beekeeper Finder, here you will be able to locate Beekeepers in your area that are Bee For Life network members. Donate We have listed the best beekeepers in your area. Our network covers from Midland Tx to the Metroplex down to the Houston area, Oklahoma and Georgia. All of us […]

Pollinator news

How Bees Make Honey

An amazing process that can not be duplicated in the laboratory. Lets see How Bees Make Honey. Our Planet is full of life.  The most prolific are flowering plants. Flowering plants comprise 80% of all life on Earth. Well, the flowers of these plants need to be pollinated. There is a long list of pollinators, such […]

Pollinator news

Pest Control Caused Bee Decline

Surly, all have heard of Honey Bee losses. Well, I have decided to show you something that the media won’t. Pest Control Caused Bee Decline. Science has been looking for the cause of Honey Bee losses since 1989. A worrisome problem, that if not fixed will continue to grow. Beekeepers Nation wide lose 33% of […]