Bumblebee Removal Abilene Tx

Bee For Life Foundation / IRescueBees is providing another service to protect our pollinators. Yes, Bumblebee Removal Abilene Tx

Bumblebee Removal Abilene Tx
Bumblebee Removal Abilene Tx

Bee For Life Foundation / IRescueBees

(325) 201-8237

We are, to the best of my knowledge the only Bumblebee keepers in the Big Country. Yes, Bumblebees can be managed kinda sorta like Honey Bees.

There are however differences, Bumblebees do not produce any honey at all, yet they store just enough nectar to keep the colony alive.

Bumblebee Removal Abilene Tx
Bumblebee Removal Abilene Tx

Bumblebees do not overwinter as a group, the Queens are the only ones that survive the winter. She will seek shelter in a burrow or under leaves on the ground and emerge in the spring to start over again.

Bee For Life / IRescueBees will locate the nest and safely remove and relocate those bumbles to one of our pollinator sanctuaries.

Bumblebee Removal Abilene Tx
Large Bumblebee nest in Abilene Tx
Lets talk about the Bumble Bee…

Living mostly underground a Bumble bee nest can have up to one hundred fifty individuals. Consisting of a Queen, Workers and some males.

There are over two hundred fifty different kinds of Bumble Bees in the world. North America is home to 46 different species.

Large distinctive black and yellow bees is a related to the honey bee. Their hairy bodies makes them a perfect pollinator.

With a loud, low pitch buzz they forage thru flowers to gather pollen and nectar. Taking it back to their nest to feed their young.

Recently, the Rusty Patch Bumble Bee has been placed on the United States endangered species list. The first pollinator in the history of the United States.

This should be concerning to all, seeing that bees bring abundant crops. Lately, Oregon has resorted to breeding Bumblebees to help the their decline.

Sometimes Bumble bees as well as other bees will get in to something that they should not be. That is where we come in.

Expertly trained professional Bumble bee and honey beekeepers are at your finger tips.