Bee Removal Yukon OK

Your Bee for Life, bee rescue network professional servicing Bee Removal Yukon OK is…

TJ Norman

( 405 ) 826 – 0393


Serving Oklahoma City , Yukon

TJ Norman provides professional bee removal and relocation services for Yukon OK.

Removing both swarms and established colonies, keeping honey bees alive and we use no poisons.


A swarm is the honey bees way of propagating itself. A lot like cell division.

When the colony is overcrowded and has plenty of honey stores it will split. The mother will leave the virgin queen and half the workers in search of a suitable place to colonize.

This what a swam looks like

Bee Removal Yukon OK
Bee Removal Yukon OK

All the workers are huddled around the queen. Meanwhile, the scouts are surveying the area for a new home.

Once the home is selected the swarm will move in.

Swarms are the easiest to remove. Call your local Bee for Life network member when you see one on your property.


Removing an established colony is much more challenging. The process is called a cutout.

Bee Removal Yukon OK
Bee Removal Yukon OK



Exterminating honey bees does not work most of the time. In fact most of time the exterminator needs to treat the colony several times. And, it still does not work.

Here is a colony that had been treated with poison five times and it still did not work.

Bee Removal Yukon OK
Bee Removal Yukon OK

After the fifth unsuccessful attempt at extermination the homeowner call us and we saved the whole colony. Notice the bluish grey comb in the middle. That is the poison.

When extermination does work you end up with many more problems. Other critters come to feast on the unprotected honey allowing it to ooze into your house.

What a big mess!

Save yourself the hassle and give TJ a call