Bee Removal Weatherford Tx

Texas State Registered Beekeeper providing live Bee Removal Weatherford Tx

Your Bee for Life, bee rescue network member is Jason.

Jason Smith

(817) 597-5922

Bee for Life, bee rescue network member since 2019

Bee Removal Weatherford Tx
Bee Removal Weatherford Tx
With over 7 years experience and a 99% success rate we know you will be pleased.

Using thermal imaging we can pin point the location of the nest of honey bees. Thereby, mitigating unnecessary repairs.

Bee Removal Weatherford Tx
Bee Removal Weatherford Tx
When you have Honey Bees living with you remember Bee for Life, live Bee Removal Weatherford Tx

Recently in the news you have heard that honey bees are in decline. Well, yes and no.

You see most articles on the subject only show managed colony loses. There is no mention of the feral honey bees that suffer the same ailments and poisoning.

Yet, managed colony losses are real. Could you imagine a world without honey bees.

Habitat destruction, GMO crops and massive use pf pesticides is what cause the feral honey bee to move in with you. They are just trying to survive.

The really sad part is most people will call an exterminator to kill them. IRescueBees will not kill them, we remove honey bees and bumble bees live.

All the bee we remove we keep…

In recent study conducted by

Over 75 percent of flying insects has disappeared since 1989, alarming scientist and the public.
The bulk of live on Earth are insects. Pollinating over 80 percent of all flowering plants, Yep just about all of them.
Losing our flying insects means losing most, if not all fruits and vegetables.

Lets not take that chance and put forth the effort to maintaining our food supply for the future.

For all your live   Bee Removal Weatherford, Bee for LIfe, is all you needs…

Bee for Life, bee rescue network is always looking for new members.