Bee Removal Tuscola Tx

Glad you could join us, for all your Live Bee Removal Tuscola Tx needs we are here.

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

(325) 201-8237

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My name is Ben, my family and I have been providing Live bee removal in the Big Country for twenty years. You have probably seen our trailer rolling through Tuscola, on our way to catch some bees.

Bee Removal Tuscola Tx
Bee Removal Tuscola Tx

We are State Registered Apiarist ( Beekeepers ) providing for your Live Bee Removal and Relocation needs. We have three Apiaries ( bee yards ) in three different counties, Taylor, Jones and Callahan with plenty of remove to put your bees.

We do not kill the bees or release them down the road like most of our competition. That only creates a problem for someone else later on.

When we started we had locate the nest the old way, knock and listen. Years later technology gifted us with the ability to see through walls, we now located the bees nest using thermal imaging, extremely accurate mitigating unnecessary repairs.

Bee Removal Tuscola Tx
Langstroth boxes branded with our TAIS number

I bring up killing and releasing of bees because it is a common practice of so-called bee removal services. If you notice in the Google search result there are plenty of pest control companies claiming to provide bee removal services, yet kill the bees anyway.

Texas recognizes these destructive practices and proclaimed all feral honey bees and native bees as beneficial insect and should not be killed. Texas also recommends that citizens only hire State Registered Apiarist for all there bee issues, read it for yourself!

Bee Removal Tuscola Tx
Copyright IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

Do not attempt to remove bees yourself or try to spray them with anything, doing so will only send the bees into protection mode causing serious injury and or death.