Bee Removal Stamford Tx

In need of Live Bee Removal Stamford Tx, we have many years of Professional Live Bee Removal experience, we’ll get the job done right. Please call us today.

Ben Kazyaka

(325) 201-8237

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

Bee Removal Stamford Tx
Wasp, Bumble Bees and Honey Bees Paul can ease your suffering. IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries for your professional Live Bee Removal Stamford Tx needs.
Bee Removal Stamford Tx

Beekeepers worldwide lose up to 33% of their colonies every year. We can, for the time being make up these losses. Yet, it is getting harder to keep up with demand.

Honey Bees are the back bone of our food supply, But I think most will not notice until the market shelves are empty. The cause of Honey bee decline is multi layered.

Dr. Goulson, professor at the University of Sussex explains it best when he said. “The flying insect decline will be an ecological disaster.

Please read his report at The following is my summary and thoughts.

The current flying insect decline is a catastrophic waiting to happen.
Since 1989 flying insect populations have declined 75%. The cause is many fold, from our dependence on pesticide, herbicide and fungicide use to climate chaos.
These losses include pollinators such as the Honey Bee and Bumble Bee. In fact the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is now in America’s endangered species list.
Why is the rusty patched bumble endangered.?
Simply put, Big AG has taken over the native prairies and grasslands for Monoculture farming. Along with monoculture farming comes the spraying of AG chemicals.
Dr. Goulson’s study is a huge help to understanding how fragile our ecosystem is Globally. I think he should come to the States and do the same study here.

If you have Honey Bees living with you call us, we have twenty years of bee removal exp. Bee Removal Stamford Tx

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