Bee Removal San Angelo Tx

Hi, this is Ben owner of IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries. A State registered apiarist providing Life Bee Removal San Angelo Tx.

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

(325) 201-8237

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Bee Removal San Angelo Tx
Bee Removal San Angelo Tx

We had to take a little break from San Angelo for a while, but now we’re back. With over twenty years of experience you know we’ll get done right the first time.

We do not kill the bees, we bring them back to one of our Apiaries ( bee yard ). In fact, if you want to keep them yourself we can do that too.

We have a full one of Texas made beehives for you to choose from.

 Bee Removal San Angelo Tx
Bee Removal San Angelo Tx

You have most likely seen our trailer rolling through town. We are State Registered Apiarist ( beekeeper ).

Why is that important? Well, most if not all bee removal companies are not beekeepers, just construction guys that found a niche or exterminators with a killer bee sales pitch.

Bee Removal San Angelo Tx
Langstroth boxes branded with our TAIS number

The State knows this, and has established ALL bees as a beneficial insect that should not be killed. Texas needs all the pollinators it can get.

Furthermore, The State of Texas recommends that you should only hire a Apiarist with a TAIS number ( Texas Apiary Inspection Service ). You’ll have the peace of mind that the Apiarist you hire is legit, and has the equipment and acreage to tend and keep the bees protected.

Bee Removal San Angelo Tx
Copyright IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

What not to do if bees show up at your house!

Some folks try to seal them in with spray foam, this does not work, the bees will only find their way out and most of the time it’s into your house.

Attempting to remove or exterminate bee yourself has most often caused serious injury and death, don’t do it. Call us.