Your Bee for Life, bee rescue network member providing Live Bee Removal Sachse Tx is,
Ryan Giesecke
Bee for Life network member since 2021
We would like to introduce to you our friend Ryan Giesecke, your live Bee Removal Sachse Tx professional.
An experienced beekeeper and breeder, we know he’ll get the job done right. Call Ryan for all your bee removal needs. He has over a decade of beekeeping and removal experience.
Imagine if you will, that all honey bees and other pollinators disappeared. Sounds a bit far fetched but the reality is our pollinators have declined 75% since 1989. Notice this article from Bloomberg View
Humans can’t handle the truth of what they are causing to ouR environment. Most scientists candy coated so the masses can continue to function.
Yes, ecological disaster though far off, we are seeing the signs. Scientists in Germany found that we have lost 75% of flying insects since 1989.
Flying pollinators such as honey bees, bumble bees pollinate 80% of the plant life on Earth.
There are many contributing factors for this decline. Climate Chaos, massive chemical use and Gmo are just a few.
Take into consideration the first native pollinator on the Endangered Species List. The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee.
We have, in North America three thousand species of native bees. But, only forty are Bumble Bees.
On Cnn, we can read about bee losses in our nation. Yet, feral honey bees are not too far behind.
OuR current pollinator crash is worldwide. The reasons are mostly habitat loss and pesticide use among others.
40% of land is used for Mono culture farming which creates a food desert for OUR pollinatorS. Not to forget that 60% of crops grown are GMO.
Call Ryan Giesecke
(214) 577-9562
For all your Bee removal Sachse needs.
Bee for Life, bee rescue network is the best for the job