Bee Removal Roby Tx

When wayward bees colonize your home you need Bee Removal Roby Tx services. We are State Registered Apiarist not pest control.

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

(325) 201-8237

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Bee Removal Roby Tx
Bee Removal Roby Tx

The State of Texas recognizes that our feral honey bees are beneficial insects and should whenever possible saved. Therefore, calling exterminators for your bee issue adds to the decline of our Texas ecosystem and the worlds greatest pollinator.

Hi, my name is Ben, we have twenty years experience saving feral honey bees. We are a family owned and operated business and look forward to working with you.

Bee Removal Roby Tx
Bee Removal Roby Tx

Using thermal imaging we locate the nest, thereby mitigating any unnecessary repairs. Most of the time we will close what we opened, but we don’t paint or chalk.

We will always take the time to show you how to keep them out. Now, we are not the cheapest company in town, but you’ll bee pleased with our work.

Bee Removal Roby Tx
Bee Removal Roby Tx

All bees, Honey Bees and Bumble bees will be taken to one of our apiaries and taken care of for years to come. You also have the option to have them hived at your place, depending on two things, one the temperament of the bees and secondly you have your equipment.

We do have a full line of top bar beehives for you to choose from and all the other supplies you may need. Go ahead and look at our store.

No need to worry about not knowing how to keep bees, we got that covered too. Either way, our goal is to save as many feral honey bee colonies as possible.

Whether you want to keep the bees or just want them gone, we got you covered.

Give us a call

(325) 201-8237

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries