Bee Removal Mansfield TX

Your Bee for Life network member providing live Bee Removal Mansfield TX is…

Jason Smith

(817) 597-5922


Bee Removal Mansfield TX
Bee Removal Mansfield TX

This is the saddest sight for any beekeeper, walk into the yard finding not just one colony dead, but 10 or 20. The bees were doing fine just yesterday.

This beekeeper has no idea how or why his bees are dead, he just has to work that much harder to build back up. Well, these bees were killed by an exterminator three miles away.

Bee Removal Mansfield TX
Bee Removal Mansfield TX

A homeowner that had bees living with them did not know about Live Bee Removal, so they call pest control. Pest control told the homeowner that wild bees in the south are killer bees and should bee killed.

Well, they were not killer bees at all and the homeowner was sold a bill of goods. After the exterminator killed the colony, he left poisoned honey behind. The smell of unprotected honey brought other bees from miles away to clean up that poisoned honey, Killing their colony as well.

Bee Removal Mansfield TX
Bee Removal Mansfield TX

In Florida the pest control lobby tried to stop beekeepers from saving any bees, they wanted to kill them all. That failed and beekeepers can continue to save the wild honey bees.

Which in fact needs to be done, Honey bee declines are not over, beekeepers still lose 30% of their colonies every year. This trend started in 1989 and still going, alarming scientist.

Science knows that the honey bee is the Worlds number one pollinator and their demise spells disaster for us.

No need to panic, Bee for Life and our network members are beekeepers, both professional and Masters. You can rest assured the bees we remove are removed live, kept at a bee yard and taken care of.