Bee Removal Lucas TX

It’s time for you to call your local Live Honey Bee Removal Lucas TX experts. Always a chemical free live honey bee removal and relocation by a professional Beekeeper. All bees removed will be relocated to one of our apiaries. Call today


Bee For Life Foundation

(325) 201-8237

Cut outs starting at $1500.00 a charitable tax deductible donation

William Kazyaka is a Stated Registered Beekeeper with years of bee removal experience. He will get them out live, no matter how long , or how many stings he gets.

When you need Live Honey Bee Removal Lucas TX call him today.

Mistaken identity…

Bee Removal Lucas TX
Bee Removal Lucas TX

We, in the bee removal business, hear it all the time. ” Help, we got Killer Bees.” Ok, the Honey Bees living with you just do not suddenly decide to become killer bees.

In fact, most of the time your honey bees become protective because you or someone waited to long to have them removed. This is another thing we hear all the time. ” We have them for years and they just now become a problem.”

Bee Removal Lucas TX
Bee Removal Lucas TX
So why do they become protective…

When a honey bee colony is left to grow without population management the bees will produce lots of guard bees to protect their established home. With high populations of guard bees and workers someone is bound to get stung.

The so called aggressive behavior begins about the fourth year. Do yourself a favor and have them removed as soon as you know they are there.

William is the right man for the job, call him.

Now, I know you have heard by now about the SUSPECTED killer bee colony in Allen TX. Well they weren’t, it just made a great story.

The CDC states that you are more likely to die from one mosquito bite than killed by a bee attack.