Bee Removal Haskell Tx

Bee season is coming, give us a call for all your live Bee Removal Haskell Tx needs.

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

(325) 201-8237

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Bee Removal Haskell Tx
Bee Removal Haskell Tx

We are Texas Registered Apiarist ( Beekeepers ) providing Live bee removal and relocation in the Big Country for twenty years. Currently we have three Apiaries ( bee sanctuaries ) in Taylor, Jones and Callahan counties.

All bees removed will be relocated one of theses Apiaries, hived in new equipment and protected for years to come.

Bee Removal Haskell Tx
Copyright Bee for Life Apiaries / IRescueBees

Anybody can claim to be a beekeeper and sound educated after a few short YouTube videos including exterminators. Also, the bee removal business is not regulated by the State meaning anybody can do it.

That is why the State of Texas recommends you only use a State Registered Apiarist for ALL your honey bee needs. Furthermore, the State of Texas considers feral honey bees as a beneficial insect and should not be exterminated.

Bee Removal Haskell Tx
Langstroth boxes in storage

No matter whom you use, make sure that they are registered with the State of Texas. Texas issues a number called a brand to all registered apiarist which is clearly burned into they’re equipment.

We use thermal imaging to locate the nest, which mitigates unnecessary repairs. If we can close the hole we will, but we are not carpenters.

Copyright Bee for Life Apiaries / IRescueBees

The latest Honey Bee news

Honey production in the State dropped significantly. Mostly due to the great Texas freeze and our lingering drought.

Plus, in Callahan county the mesquite bloom was destroyed by the cut worm. Mesquite and sunflower are a major nectar source for our west Texas honey bees.

Bee Removal Haskell Tx
Copyright IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

Last report from the State Apiarist was that the freeze took out Forty-Five percent of managed colonies, there is no telling how many feral colonies were killed by the freeze.