Bee Removal Garland TX

You can rest assured that your removal expert listed with Bee for Life is a Beekeeper and will always remove and relocate your bees live. For Live Bee Removal Garland TX call today.

Bee For Life Foundation

(325) 201-8237

Cut outs starting at $1500.00 a charitable tax deductible donation

Our mission is clear, to collect and protect our loyal pollinators.

Bee Removal Garland TX
Bee Removal Garland TX

Honey Bees are a vital player in our local ecosystem. They pollinate are plants and shrubs, keeping everything healthy and alive, with out honey bees our area would look like it did two hundred years ago.

So, when feral bees come to move in with you, call your local beekeeper to remove and relocate them live to the beekeepers apiary.

Bee Removal Garland TX
Bee Removal Garland

Not all bee removal companies are State Registered Beekeepers, some claim to be. Other so called bee removal companies are just exterminators in disguise telling you things like the wild bees in Texas are all Killer Bees. B.S.

I know of several companies that sell you a live bee removal over the phone, but when they show up your told your bees are killer bees and need to bee killed. Look, here in Texas killer bees build their nest underground, so if they are in your soffit they are not killer bees.

Bee Removal Garland TX
Bee Removal Garland TX

The bee removal business in the State of Texas is completely unregulated. There are no licenses or permits issued by the State for the removal of bees from your structure.

Furthermore, there is no State agency to file complaints or grievances with. So it’s  buyer beware.

Bee sure your bees are safe by only hiring a Bee for Life, bee rescue network member.

Call us today

For live   Bee Removal Garland TX by your local beekeeper is a Bee for Life, network member