Bee Removal Buffalo Gap Tx

Saving the Bees is an easy thing, when they show up at your house calls us. State registered Apiarist provides for your Bee Removal Buffalo Gap Tx needs.

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

(325) 201-8237

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Beekeeper Direct Honey

IRescueBees and Bee For Life Apiaries are a family owned bee removal and beekeeping business. We have been dealing with Honey bees issues in the Big Country for twenty years.

Hi, my name is Ben, I am a State registered Apiarist ( Beekeeper ). We have, at this time, three Apiaries ( bee yards ) in Taylor, Jones and Callahan counties.

Bee Removal Buffalo Gap Tx
Bee Removal Buffalo Gap Tx

When I started providing Live bee removal services we had to find their nest the old school way, knock and listen. Needless to say, it was not very accurate and some wrong holes were cut.

Today we use thermal imaging to pinpoint the nest. Thermal imaging is extremely accurate. No more wrong cuts, lol

Bee Removal Buffalo Gap Tx
Copyright IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

Whether feral honey bees colonized under your floor, in your walls or in your chuck wagon we can get them out alive. All the bees we remove will be relocated to one of our Apiaries, unless you want to keep them.

Keeping feral Texas honey bees is quite a different process than keeping inbred bees. But, if you scroll to the top of our page you will see Top Bar Beekeeping Lessons where I teach how to keep Texas bees in our local environment.

Bee Removal Buffalo Gap Tx
Copyright IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

There is a few more things you should know about our feral bees. First, the State of Texas recognizes our feral honey bees as beneficial insects that must not be killed.

Secondly, the State of Texas recommends that you use a State registered Apiarist for all your bee removal needs. Read it for yourself.