Bee Removal Breckenridge Tx

Honey bees are a vital part of life on Earth, shouldn’t you have them removed and relocated live. For all your Live Bee Removal Breckenridge Tx needs call today.

IRescueBees / Bee For Life Apiaries

(325) 201-8237

State Registered Apiarist


Bee Removal Breckenridge Tx
Bee Removal Breckenridge Tx

Lets face the facts, pollinator species ARE in decline. We have lost over seventy five percent of out flying insects since 1989.

Flying insects, honey bees pollinate over eighty percent of plant life on planet Earth. This dramatic loss could lead to a ecological collapse

Bee Removal Breckenridge Tx
Bee Removal Breckenridge Tx

Meaning a huge decline in fruits and veggies, not to forget the higher prices for meat and milk. Yes, honey bees bring us meat and milk.

Honey bees are needed to pollinate Alfalfa which fattens livestock and increases milk production in cattle. A recent study from The Guardian.

Warns of an ecological Armageddon due to the dramatic decline in insect numbers. Including honey bees.

This study shows that within the past twenty five years we have lost seventy five percent of flying insects. Causing quite a concern with scientist and the public.

Most plant life is pollinated by flying insects. Flying insect decline will be hard to fix.
Bee Removal Houston TxThere are things we can do to mitigate pollinator insects. You could start with calling an expert bee removal specialist instead of an exterminator.

We are professionals and can get the job done. In fact we have twenty years of bee removal experience. We get it done right the first time.

All life on Earth depends on you. It’s your choice, save them or kill them? Really, remember that our Nations food securit the only thing left to eat is grass.

FOR THE BEST LIVE Bee Removal Breckenridge Tx CALL TODAY.