For thousands of years, man has known about the benefits that Honey Bee products bring to the body. Known to the Egyptian and Greeks as medicine, today we call the use of bee products, Apitherapy. Continue reading for the Top Ten Health Benefits of Honey.
Apitherapy, is using honey bee products to recover a living being, Human, Animal and Plants. Bee products used in the art of Apitherapy are, Royal Jelly, Propolis, Pollen. Beeswax, Bee Venom and lastly Honey.
At the writing of this post, we in Texas, are in the mesquite flow. This is the main source of nectar in the and around Abilene Tx.
Being almost crystal clear, mesquite honey is one the best in the country. Yet, Honey comes in many different colors and flavors. But, they all have some health properties in common.
Let’s get into it
1 Blood sugar regulation
Due to the combination of natural fructose and glucose, Honey has been shown to reduce blood sugar.
2 Honey is a natural probiotic
Antioxidants and flavanoids in raw natural honey makes your immune system healthy and improves your cell structure. These same antioxidants and flavanoids helps in 3 reducing the risk of certain cancers
4 Healthy Skin
The Egyptian women would use Honey on their skin to keep it supple and smooth, Honey can also reduce wrinkle give an anti aging effect to the skin.
5 Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial
and 6 reduces ulcers
Honey helps cure acid reflux, keeps ulcers at bay along with other stomach related diseases,
8 Helps with seasonal allergies.
I used to get cedar fever twice a year before I started eating honey. Now I don’t even sneeze.
9 Heals wounds
Honey has an enzyme called Glucose oxidase which eats glucose and the by product is hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide kills infections and helps wound healing.
10 Easy weight loss
The regular consumption of Honey prevents sugar cravings and boosts your metabolism naturally aiding in weight loss.
There you go, Honey’s Top 10 Benefits