Abilene TX Local Beekeeper

Find your Abilene TX Local Beekeeper here on the Bee For Life Bee Rescue Network.

Abilene TX Local Beekeeper
Abilene TX Local Beekeeper

Bee For Life Foundation


(325) 201-8237

Follow this link for details about our Honey

Fees for service are a charitable tax deductible donation

We have been keeping bees since 2000, I am a Registered Apiarist with Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS) part of Texas A&M University Department of Entomology. We provide Live bee removal service.

Bee For Life Foundation and IRescueBees are one non profit company. We are an Educational and Environmental charity providing education of pollinators and building botanical sanctuaries for them.

Abilene TX Local Beekeeper
Abilene TX Local Beekeeper

We do however provide Live Bee Removal services, which is something I’d like to write about for a moment.

It really bothers me that most of the companies that advertise bee removal only kill the bees. Bee removal should be how the bees are rescued, not murdered.

Abilene TX Local Beekeeper

Abilene TX Local Beekeeper
Abilene TX Local Beekeeper

Twenty years we have been rescuing bees in Abilene, yet just a couple years ago some pest control companies decided to get into it. Well, although they say they remove bees they don’t.

Pest control companies will use fear to get a kill sell, and they won’t remove the nest. They don’t want to get poisoned. Their favorite line when they show up is that you got Killer bees that serve no purpose and need to bee killed.

Here is a little secret, the 20 years I have been doing Live bee removals I have yet to come across a killer bee hive. Further more, there has not been one confirmed case of killer bees in the entire county.

Feral bees in Texas are beneficial insects and SHOULD NOT BE KILLED, according to TAMU and TAIS. Texas recommends that use only use Texas Apiary Inspection Service registered apiarist (beekeeper) for ALL your bee related needs.

Call me at (325) 201-8237