Pollinator news

Pest Control Caused Bee Decline

Surly, all have heard of Honey Bee losses. Well, I have decided to show you something that the media won’t. Pest Control Caused Bee Decline.

Pest Control Caused Bee Decline
Pest Control Caused Bee Decline

Science has been looking for the cause of Honey Bee losses since 1989. A worrisome problem, that if not fixed will continue to grow.

Beekeepers Nation wide lose 33% of their colonies every year. Although we can make up the losses, it cost, and uses a lot of resources.

Pest Control Caused Bee Decline
Pest Control Caused Bee Decline

Scientific peer review papers show that the main cause of these declines are PESTICIDES. When used correctly, are some what safe for bees.

Directions state not to use when crops are in bloom. Hopefully, AG uses these chemicals in the correct manner.

Pest Control Caused Bee Decline
Pest Control Caused Bee Decline

The Honey Bee is an amazing creature, they are the only insect that produces food for humans. Not just food mind you, but medicine as well.

How does exterminators contribute to the Honey Bees staggering declines. Pay close attention, I will explain.

Honey Bees forage 5 miles from their nest to collect food for their young, and storage for winter. Honey Bees sense of smell is better than any hunting dog around. Dogs sense of smell is parts per million, Honey Bees parts per trillion.

These creatures are not only hard working, but opportunistic. When they smell a weaken hive, they will come and remove all the resources. This is called robbing.

In theory, when the exterminator kills or injures a colony of bees, other bees come to rob the left over honey. Honey Bees will travel 5 miles to collect resources for their colony.

In the United Kingdom, they have a law that REQUIRES any pest control company that kills honey bees must remove all the contaminated comb, and dispose of the now hazardous material.

The unsuspecting honey bees bring this poison back to their hive and the whole colony dies. Just one poisoned colony can destroy up to half of the colonies within their 5 mile forage territory.

It is safe to say that Pest Control kill hundreds of thousands honey bee colonies every year! How’s that gonna effect your food supply?