Bee Removal McKinney TX

When you need a professional Beekeeper for you Live Bee Removal McKinney TX needs,


Bee For Life Foundation

(325) 201-8237

Bee removals starting at $1500.00 a charitable tax deductible donation

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William is very knowledgeable about Honey Bee behavior and has saved a lot of Honey Bees. The perfect company for your Local Bee Removal McKinney TX service.

There are many ways to find the Honey Bee nest, one is to observe the entrance to find the direction the bees are entering. Some may even just knock and listen for the roar.

Bee Removal McKinney TX
Bee Removal McKinney TX

Once found, the nest, Queen and most of the workers can bee extracted along with their babies. It sounds simple, but it is a lot of work. Use the local guy, for McKinney that would be…

(325) 201-8237

Bee For Life Foundation

What’s up with Honey Bees these days…

Several stories have been circulating about Robotic Bees. Most in tabloids like the Daily Mail or the Onion.

The story goes, Honey Bees are dying of so fast that the only way to save mankind it with Robotic Bees. I wonder if they’ll make Honey?

Actually, Honey Bees have been in decline just about ten years now. And the mystery is still not solved. My hunch is Pest control!

Declines of Honey Bees is caused by habitat loss, mono culture farm and AG chemicals sprayed on the fields. Here in Texas those fields are cotton and Mesquite stands.

Yet, today in the news we see that Wal mart of all companies has filed a patent for a Robotic Bee to pollinate our crops. I wonder how much a colony of Robo Bees would cost?

Any way here is the article from RT news

Honey bee rescue is the safe and sustainable solution call us today