Pollinator news

Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising

For forty years and going, Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising. I know some want me to stop blogging about this, saying “Everything is sunshine and roses” Well, let see about that.


Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising
Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising

I am not only a Beekeeper, I also do Live Bee Removals. This gives me a look into the health of wild honey bees.

Last year I was shocked to see that most of the colonies I removed were weak, some with no brood at all and most with no stores of honey. This was in 2017.

Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising
Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising

As I looked back, 2016 was the year of the Zika scare. Most, if not all counties in the south sprayed NALED. I believe that NALED had an adverse affect of our 2017 wild honey bee colonies.

I am not saying that this is the cause of the continue decline of managed colonies. But it does not help. In fact, just look what it did to an apiary in South Carolina reported by the Weather Channel.

Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising
Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising

I and other Bee Removal experts in the south are still seeing the effects of this spraying. Wild colonies are the hardest hit, and they have no beekeeper to protect them.

At least, managed colonies have someone to doctor them back to health or even increase the colony. Wild colonies are on their own.

Honey Bee Declines Continue Rising

With that said let’s look at a few recent reports…


Aug 9, 2018

Bee declines continue to rise. They estimate that colony losses to be up seven percent this year.

Journal of applied Ecology

Gives us a deeper look into Honey Bee declines. They show that there is not just one answer.

Many factors inhibit the health of all flying insects.

I believe that we must change our ways of life, or we might not have much to look forward too.

Needing Live Bee Removal, check this out