Pollinator news

Life Without Honey Bees

Life Without Honey Bees by Ben.  Donate

Pollinator decline is not just a North American phenomenon, it is a World Wide cause for alarm. Life Without Honey Bees could be our children’s future.

Life Without Honey Bees
Life Without Honey Bees

Honey bees as well as other flying pollinator insects are responsible for the beauty of Planet Earth. World Wide we as loosing seventy five percent of flying insects since 2008.

Within a recent report from, shows us that flying insect populations are crashing fast.

Life Without Honey Bees
Life Without Honey Bees

Dave Goulson, professor of biology at the University of Sussex confirms scientist fears with his new study. The problem is so concerning it could lead to an ecological collapse.

Dr. Goulson also points out that these insect pollinate most of the flowers, trees and food crops on the planet.

Seeing that the rusty patched bumble bee is already considered endangered, showing we are inching closer to life without bees.

Losing flying insects would spell our doom. Life on Earth would be changed so dramatically that even Monosanto could not save us.

So, we absolutely need to take this seriously.

Life Without Honey Bees

Out environment and our food supplies depend on honey bees, bumble bees and other pollinating insects. All food crops in America today need honey bees to produce the abundance of fruit and veggies we enjoy. Not to mention the meat and dairy products we eat every day.

There is help, Bee for Life, bee rescue and our network members provide live Honey Bee and Bumble Bee removals in various parts of the Nation.

We specialize in live wild bee removal and relocation with an emphasis on keep them alive.

We also provide for your ranches and businesses.

Life Without Honey Bees

When honey bees or bumble bees are in your way, call your local Bee for Life network memeber today…